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Sunday, January 5, 2020

2019 and Space Science

January 5th, 2020
By: Haris Ahmad[1]

2019 was a great year, though it ended very quickly. This year, humans made great discoveries and took a picture that rewrote history. Humans accomplished as well as failed in a lot of their missions but the thing that matters is that they tried. We should never give up on anything, even if you fail, you have to try over and over again because one day you’re going to accomplish your dreams. A lot of events happened this year but I will highlight the main ones. Firstly, Beresheet, a technology demonstration mission was launched and operated by Space IL and IAI (Israel Aerospace Industries) failed because of a problem in its gyroscopes that prevented its main engine to start. It destructively landed on the Moon. This is not what I want to highlight. The main thing is that it contained thousands of Tardigrades. Tardigrades are microscopic animals that are almost indestructible. Thus, they can even survive in space. All these Tardigrades likely spilled over after the crash landing.
Secondly, a mission named Hayabusa 2 was launched by the Japanese space agency (JAXA) on 3 Dec 2013, which is an asteroid sample return mission. It took samples from 162173 Ryugu asteroids.

Image Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hayabusa2
TheBadAstronomer (A YouTuber) says, “The Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa 2 made a second touchdown on the surface of the asteroid Ryugu on July 11, 2019. It fired a bullet into the surface to send shrapnel flying, which is collected in a horn, packed away, and will return to Earth in December 2020”. JAXA (Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency) has also uploaded a video of the touchdown and retreat (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3hO58HFa1M)

Moreover, this year another event happened that we all should know and should take actions concerning. This year, the UN released a statement warning us. UN said that we have 12 years to stop climate change. We should stop the climate while we can. Therefore, if we don’t take action, we will undergo destruction that would be very bad for the future of planet Earth as the continuity of the human race. I have explained all about climate change in two of my previous blogs. If global warming and pollution will remain at the current rate is that by 2100 the temperatures will rise by 4 degrees Celsius. This number might seem mathematically small but it can cause the loss of millions of lives. Climate change will affect the environment very badly. It will bring a lot of problems. The temperatures will significantly rise causing a lot of heatwaves and drought. There will be changes in precipitation patterns, which will cause a change in rain patterns. The hurricanes will become stronger and intense. The sea levels will rise 1-4 feet by 2100 causing a lot of floods. The Arctic will likely become ice-free.
We have to take action or will have to face the destruction of this beloved planet.
Last but not least, as I mentioned earlier, we took a picture that rewrote history and the books of astronomy. It was the picture of the black hole present in the center of the galaxy known as Messier 87 that exists 55 million light-years away from us.
Image source:  Veritasium

”Four scientists affiliated with the Event Horizon Telescope project, which released the image of the black hole earlier this year, testified at the hearing about how the image was created, the importance of scientific research and education, and the future of the project itself. Throughout the hearing, the scientists' enthusiasm for black holes and the image was clear”, said Meghan Bartels from Space.com.
This year was the best for many people but it passed too quick. I hope that 2020 brings happiness to all of you. I hope it will be a good year for space scientists as well.

[1] Haris Ahmad is currently studying in 9th grade (O levels) in The City School Islamabad.

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