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Sunday, December 29, 2019

What will happen before 2100? - 4

December 29th, 2019
By: Haris Ahmad[1]

This is the third blog that I am writing on this topic and we have reached up to the year 2050 and the events that will happen on the years before. In this blog, I’ll explain some more events that will happen before 2100 soon, I will write blogs about more years into the future. In 2061, Halley’s comet will flyby close to Earth and surprisingly, it will be visible to the naked eye. This comet was discovered in 1758. It has a diameter of about 11 km and has a mass of 220 trillion kg. This comet will flyby above Earth on 28th July 2061. This comet may collide with planet Earth and if that happens, it will collide with a large amount of force and will form a huge impact crater that would be rough, 33 km deep and 89 km wide. The impact of this collision will kill everything within a range of 238 km. Moreover, a few days after the collision, dust clouds will take over the sky and prevent light from Sun from reaching us. This will start a nuclear winter, which will kill most of the species that inhabit this planet as well as most of the humans.

Picture credit: www.astronomycafe.net

A few years later, in 2069 NASA will send a probe to Alpha Centauri, which is the closest star system to us. This star system consists of three stars named as Alpha Centauri A, Alpha Centauri B, and Alpha Centauri C. Even though it is the closest, it is still approximately 4.21 light-years away from us which means that even light from this star system takes 4 years to reach us which, trust me, is a very long distance. As we know, the Voyagers are traveling in outer space at very high speeds of about 15.4 km/s, it will still take it tens of thousands of years to reach the star system. This probe will search for life on the planets that orbit these stars and will also confirm if the conditions of them are good enough to sustain human life. Though it will take a lot of time for us to reach the star system with the technology of today, we may find a way to travel faster enough to reach it in a few years.
This blog was another of the topic of the events that will happen before 2100. After this one, I will write the last blog of this series and later, I will write about the events that will happen in a few more years into the future.

[1] Haris Ahmad is currently studying in 9th grade (O levels) in The City School Islamabad.

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