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Sunday, December 15, 2019

What will happen before 2100? - 2

December 15th, 2019
By: Haris Ahmad[1]

This blog is the last one of my blogs on the topic of the events that will happen before 2100. In this, I will end our journey in time towards the year 2100 and the events that will happen in between. I left the last blog in 2075, so let's continue. In 2075, the ozone layer will be fully healed.

We discovered the ozone layer in 1913 when we realized that there is a layer above us that is protecting us from the harmful rays of the Sun. Most of this layer is present in the stratosphere about 50 km above the surface of the Earth. This layer absorbs approximately 98% of the Ultraviolet radiation of the sun and gives our planet the ability to sustain life because if there were no ozone layer, we would have a lot of health problems and sustainability of life would have been very hard for our planet. If there were no ozone layer, humans would face many deadly diseases such as immune system suppression and skin cancer. Just about, 34 years ago in Antarctica, scientists found a hole in the ozone layer. The research found that the ozone layer had been damaged by CFCs and according to google, CFCs are any of a class of compounds of carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, and fluorine, typically gases used in refrigerants and aerosol propellants. They are harmful to the ozone layer in the earth's atmosphere owing to the release of chlorine atoms on exposure to ultraviolet radiation. As a result of this research, CFCs were banned or allowed in limited amounts by the government. According to recent studies, we have found out that the ozone layer Is healing very fast and by 2075, it would be fully healed.
Now let's go further into time to the year 2095. If the rate of deforestation at the Amazon forest stays the same as today, by 2095 the Amazon would be fully cut down and there won’t be any trees left there.

Image Source: https://www.globalvillagespace.com/amazon-rainforest-being-cut-down-at-record-pace-under-bolsonaro/  
This would mean that our biggest shield against climate change would no longer be able to live. The Amazon is also called the lungs of Earth. Therefore, the lungs of the Earth would no longer be there for us. This would also lead to the extinction of many living things. This would mean that the Earth would be more vulnerable to the disastrous climate change which would cause the death of millions of people as well as animals.
Humans are rapidly progressing in all aspects and by 2100, humans would have become an interplanetary civilization which means that we would live on different planets. Not only this but, by 2100 the population would reach 11 billion which would not be a very good thing because if the population increases at such high rates, Earth won’t be able to feed all of the humans. After all, the resources would soon run out and scarcity of food and water would cause many deaths.
This blog ended our journey to 2100 in time. I will try my best to soon write more blogs in which we will travel further through time and discuss the events that will happen in the upcoming years.

[1] Haris Ahmad is currently studying in 9th grade (O levels) in The City School Islamabad.

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