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Sunday, December 8, 2019

What will happen before 2100? - 1

December 8th, 2019
By: Haris Ahmad[1]

Humans are developing at a very fast pace and are achieving a lot of things very quickly. Our curiosity to do everything has forced us to do the most challenging things and perform things that are not very easy. Development related to space is at its peak and there are many agencies working right now. We have achieved a lot up till now but that’s just the beginning. In the upcoming centuries, we will probably become an intergalactic civilization, which will conquer space unless somehow, another extraterrestrial life invades us. So, let’s start already. In 2021, NASA will launch the James Webb Telescope.

Image Source: https://scitechdaily.com/the-james-webb-space-telescope-is-the-largest-most-powerful-space-telescope-ever-built-video/

The making of this telescope is the largest, most expensive and the most challenging space-engineering project the humans have ever attempted. NASA has been working on this project for 30 years. This telescope is not the only of its kind, but humans also launched another telescope named as Hubble in 1990. Hubble telescope experienced some technical problems but, after it was fixed, it worked just fine and it literally rewrote our perception of the universe. Though Hubble can see objects that are very distant, it cannot see things farther than a specific limit. This is where the James Webb telescope kicks in which can take images in more detail and higher distance than the Hubble telescope and can see objects that have details about the origin of the universe. This telescope will help us understand how the universe started and how it formed. It would uncover the forces of the universe and the evolution of how many objects formed in the universe. Not only will this telescope help us see the past of this universe, but it will also help us predict the fate of many of the galaxies, stars, etc. This telescope has the ability to capture infra-red the light that ultimately helps it significantly in finding objects much farther than the Hubble could see. The main problem though is that the Sun also emits infra-red light so, how do we keep the infra-red light from the Sun away? Well, this telescope has a sun shield that literally blocks all the light from the Sun from reaching the telescope’s camera. We still have a lot of problems to tackle before we launch this but, one problem is what we all have to pray to end well. That problem is the launch. Now, we know that rocket launches are extremely hard and have a high chance of failure. Therefore, we have to launch this telescope perfectly into space or else, a lot of money, effort and time will be wasted. This telescope will be launched into orbit at a very far distance, at a point called the Second Lagrange point. This point in orbit is 1.5 million km away from the Earth though it is still in the zone of orbiting the Earth. The advantage of this orbit is that it would clear out a huge space for the telescope to see.
This blog was the first of this series and I will write more blogs on the topic as we still have another 79 years to cover.

[1] Haris Ahmad is currently studying in 9th grade (O levels) in The City School Islamabad.

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