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Sunday, November 3, 2019

Small choices, large regrets

November 3rd, 2019
By: Haris Ahmad[1]
Stephen Hawkins once said, “Life on Earth is at the ever-increasing risk of being wiped out by a disaster, such as a sudden global nuclear war, a genetically engineered virus or other dangers we have not yet thought of”. It is our wrong choices that are the biggest threat to us and can lead to our extinction. We humans collectively have fought many wars on this planet. From the first war in Mesopotamia in 2700 BC between the Sumerians and the Elamites till World War II.  It is the basic nature of humans to dominate over others, showing themselves superior over others, who they see as inferior. As a result of these wars, we have not only caused damage to ourselves but also to this beloved planet. We have developed weapons of mass destruction and these weapons can wipe us out in very little time if used.
The biggest threat to us, which is from ourselves, is a nuclear war.  Nuclear power can be used to create energy that, in the process of making doesn’t produce any polluting gases and it doesn’t contribute to global warming.  However, once wrongly used, even the best thing in the world can become the worst. We have used nuclear power to make nuclear bombs, which are extremely hazardous and radioactive once used.

Image Source: nationalinterest.org

There are a lot of nuclear warheads in the world right now. The estimated number of total nuclear warheads is 13,890. This is a dangerously high number of such weapons and nowadays, any major escalation of a strong conflict between nuclear power possessing countries can cause a nuclear war. Recently, we have seen many conflicts of high intensity between many countries that possess this evil power. We have seen many major conflicts between Pakistan and India, who have seemed to remain enemies. Among these conflicts, the main conflict is between Iran and the U.S. The intensity of this conflict increased further by the killing of Qasem Soleimani, the Iranian major general.
All of these conflicts have brought us, humans; to the edge and the best example of these war-leading conflicts is as if we all are standing on a cliff tied to each other with a rope. Even if one major conflict rises up and someone pushes one person to fall off the cliff, we all will fall with him as we are tied to him. By this, I mean that these nuclear bombs will not only damage your enemies but will also damage you. This damage will eventually kill you. Before coming to what nuclear bombs can do to us, I'd like to highlight an example of what has it done before. On August 6, 1945. It was just a normal day in Hiroshima, Japan, when the people heard a plane flying high up in the skies. They already knew that the plane was an enemy bomber plane, as at that time, Japanese planes couldn’t fly that high. It was an American B-29 bomber who dropped a nuclear bomb on the city. That nuclear bomb killed 70,000 people and three days later, another bomb was dropped on Nagasaki killing 40,000 more people.
Another example is Chernobyl, which will become habitable again after 20,000 years. Some of you may be thinking that the bombs will only affect a small area. Well, you’re wrong. The strongest bomb today is the tsar bomb, which is 1500 times more dangerous than the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs combined. Just think of what these bombs can do. Firstly, after the explosion, there won’t be a rise in temperatures. It will result in global cooling and cause a nuclear winter. Consequently, it would damage the ozone layer and later it will cause droughts, which will be decades-long. These types of conditions would kill nearly all life on Earth just in a few months.  
Here comes the responsibility, which lies in the leadership of today’s world to resolve their conflicts wisely, promote peace and invest their energies and resources in making this world a better place to live for all the living species.  

[1] Haris Ahmad is currently studying in 9th grade (O levels) in The City School Islamabad.

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