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Sunday, July 26, 2020

Scientists have discovered evidence of a Parallel universe

July 26, 2020

By: Haris Ahmad[1]

Recently, some scientists claimed that they found evidence of a parallel universe. Thus, in this blog, I will explain from tip to toe about what is going on. To get into context, everything came into existence due to the big bang explosion. This was the explosion that ultimately led to the creation of our universe. Most of us think that this explosion led to the creation of a single ever-expanding universe.


However, many also suggest that this explosion may have formed a multi-verse which means that there isn’t only our universe, there may be other universes where there may even be life. Till now, there weren’t any pieces of evidence supporting this theory but now, this may have changed. Scientists may have found evidence of another universe where time runs backward.

Moreover, this evidence was found by scientists conducting cosmic ray detection in Antarctica when they found energetic particles called neutrinos, coming out of Antarctica which is opposite to how these particles should behave because normally, these particles are detected when they come down from space to us. So, these particles may have come from another universe.


Furthermore, the movement of these particles ultimately referred to the fact that they were traveling backward in time, and hence, a theory was derived which stated that these particles came from a parallel universe where time runs backward.

This parallel universe is very strange because the laws of physics that we know, are opposite over there. Besides, this may even be a mirror universe which means that everything there would be the opposite. Positive would be negative, left would be right,  up will be down, and so on.


This may be the greatest discovery in the history of humankind. Who knows, this might be the universe we travel to in our dreams. This may be the place where a black hole’s event horizon leads us to. This may be very fascinating but, it’s just a theory for now and there isn’t enough evidence to prove it a hundred percent right. Sooner or later, our hardworking scientists will find more evidence for this. 

Sunday, July 19, 2020

2020 ND - A potential threat

July 19, 2020 

By: Haris Ahmad[1]

The universe as we know it was formed due to a massive explosion that made everything out of a singularity. Thousands of galaxies formed and the star-forming material ejected by the explosion formed billions of stars. Among which, most became home to planets. Nevertheless, among them, was our Sun.   

In the early Solar system, our Sun harbored hundreds of planets that violently collided with each other, splitting each other into pieces. 


An example of such collisions is the collision of a Mars-sized planet named Theia, with planet Earth. Moreover, the same collision was the one due to which our very own moon, Luna formed. Therefore, larger remnants of these collisions became moons of many planets whereas the smaller remnants started orbit planets or the Sun directly. These small rock bodies are known today by the name of Asteroids.   


Most of the asteroids in the Solar system exist in a belt in the middle of Mars and Jupiter which is called the Asteroid belt. This belt consists of millions of asteroids that orbit the Sun just like planets do.   


Over the course of billions of years, thousands of asteroids have flown by planet Earth among which, many also collided with the Earth. A great exemplary event to justify this is the asteroid named Chicxulub which collided with planet Earth and wiped out Dinosaurs from the face of this planet. Furthermore, smaller asteroids come by many times; however, they don’t do as much damage as the ones like Chicxulub do.   

Among these smaller asteroids, there is one called 2020 ND. It was identified by the scientists working at NASA in 1945. This asteroid has gone past planet Earth 4 times since then and the same asteroid passed by planet Earth with a distance of the orbit of the moon on 5th June, but scientists didn’t notice it and were given no importance whatsoever. However, just 2 days later, on 7th June it grabbed the attention of scientists who classified it as a potentially hazardous asteroid.   

Further research suggested that it was almost 170 meters in diameter. Furthermore, on 24th July, this asteroid will fly by planet Earth again. God forbid, if this asteroid hits us, it won't end up well. It will rush towards Earth at the speed of 48,600 kph. The impact of the collision would completely wipe out a whole city and produce seismic activity that will bring earthquakes in near regions. Besides, the pollution it can make can cause environmental problems in the area too.   


According to the calculations of scientists, there is a very low chance of the asteroid colliding with planet Earth and they suggest that it will pass by planet Earth at a safe distance of 5 million km peacefully.  

Countless other asteroids have a risk of colliding with planet Earth and NASA is also preparing to make a defense mechanism to stop these potentially hazardous asteroids. Since a large one of these can cause another mass extinction and humans will meet the fate of the dinosaurs.    

Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Moons of our Solar System

July 12, 2020

By: Haris Ahmad[1]

Our Solar system consists of a single star with 8 planets, 5 dwarf planets and millions of asteroids. Just like the planets orbit around the Sun, there are objects which orbit planets and act as natural satellites, and these objects are well known to us by the name of Moons. 

Moons come in various shapes and size most of them lacking an atmosphere; however, there are some which are home to an atmosphere and even hidden oceans. What can I say, they may also harbor life?

Most of us have a simple image of the Solar System in our minds with a clear view of all planets. It isn't just like how we think. If we look at a more elaborative image of the Solar system, it would look exactly like this. 

Therefore, it can be understood that moons are a huge part of the family. In fact, there are more than 200 moons in our Solar system. A fact that will shock you about this number is that almost 80% of the moons of our Solar system, orbit 2 planets alone. 

Taking into account the huge number of moons in this Solar System, I cannot explain them all in just one blog; however, I’ll explain some major ones with extraordinary characteristics.

Let’s start with the Moon we all know about; unless we are not from planet Earth. The Luna, which is our one and only Moon and is 384,400 km away from us was formed when a Mars-sized planet named Theia collided with the Earth 4 billion years ago. Thus, the debris of the collision formed our lovely moon. Luna stabilizes the force of planet Earth making a pleasant place for life to thrive.


Moreover, lets come to the largest Moon of the Solar System. The largest moon in the Solar System is known as Ganymede and it orbits the largest planet in the Solar System known as Jupiter. For comparison, this moon is larger than both Pluto and Mercury. It has its magnetic field. Ganymede is named for a boy who was made cupbearer for the ancient Greek gods by Zeus. Scientists have found evidence of oceans beneath the surface of this moon as well. 


Furthermore, let's talk about the water waster of the Solar System (second to Earthlings). This moon is known as Europa and it orbits Jupiter. Europa is named for a woman who, in Greek mythology, was abducted by the god Zeus Scientists are almost sure about this moon having underground oceans consisting of salty water and the quantity may twice as the water as all of Earth's oceans combined. The surface of this moon is covered in thick ice. The most promising feature of this moon is that it sprays plumes of water into space. 


For ending the first blog of this series, I’ll explain about the most volcanically active body in the whole Solar System. It is the moon IO. It is slightly larger than Luna and orbits Jupiter. It has an extremely high number of active volcanoes and even has lakes of molten silicate lava on its surface. These volcanoes are sometimes so powerful that they are seen with large telescopes on Earth.


Sunday, July 5, 2020

The New Moon King of the Solar System

July 5, 2020 

By: Haris Ahmad[1]

Moons are the natural satellites of a planet. These natural satellites orbit their planet just like an artificial satellite that we launch into orbit does. Most of the moons are formed by the debris that orbits a planet that is formed by collisions with other celestial bodies.  

As we all know that our planet Earth also has a natural satellite called Luna or moon. Luna has been orbiting planet Earth from approximately 4.5 billion years. It was formed due to the collision of a Mars-sized planet called Theia with Earth. The debris formed by the collision made our very own Moon.  

The moon is moving 3 cm away from us each year which means that it will at a specific time leave the Earth's orbit. Though it will take a long time.  

Moreover, till today, Jupiter was the moon king of the Solar System being home to 79 confirmed moons. It has been managing all these moons without any problems due to its enormous size taking into account that it is a gas giant about which, I have explained a lot in my previous blogs. Some major moons of Jupiter include Ganymede (which is the largest in the Solar System), Europa, IO, Calisto. All of these moons like many others have formed due to the disk of debris orbiting the planet.  

In the second place of the moon king competition in our Solar System is Saturn which is known to have 62 confirmed moons. Similar to the other moons, Saturn’s moons have also formed by the debris that orbited the planet long ago. Some of Saturn's common moons are Titan, Enceladus, Mimas, Rhea, and Tethys. Among these, the largest is Titan which also has great chances of finding life.  

However, a team led by Scott S. Sheppard at the Carnegie Institution for Science and using the Subaru Telescope on Hawaii’s Mauna Kea have confirmed 20 more moons of the planet Saturn. This has bumped the planets’ confirmed moons to 82. This surpasses Jupiter which is known to have 79 moons. Making Saturn the new moon king.  

One of these moons is the farthest one orbiting the planet. Two of these moons take two years to orbit the planet, while the other 18 moons take more than three years to orbit. Taking into account the characteristics in orbit of these moons, astronomers have suspected that these moons could have been part of a much larger moon that broke into pieces long ago.  

The First Pictures of The James Webb Telescope

7th July, 2022 By: Haris Ahmad The James Webb Telescope was launched into space successfully, onboard the Ariane 5 rocket from the Guiana Sp...