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Sunday, October 27, 2019


October 27, 2019 
By: Haris Ahmad[1]

Asteroids are small rocky bodies orbiting a star (In our case, the Sun). They range in various sizes from very small to enormous ones. In the Solar system, these asteroids exist in the asteroid belt that exists between Mars and Jupiter as well as in the Kuiper belt that exists beyond the planets of the Solar system but are still a part of it.
Picture credits: Chemistryworld.com
They orbit the Sun in elliptical orbits. Some are made up of silicon and oxygen whereas, some are metallic; thus, made up of iron, iridium, platinum, gold, etc. These celestial bodies are the leftovers of the formation of our Solar system about 4.6 billion years ago, and maybe a part of other planetary systems after their formation. Asteroids are fascinating objects; they can be planet makers as well as destroyers. 

Nowadays, the best theory of the formation of the Earth is because of the collisions of huge asteroids into each other; thus, forming our planet. This exposes the fact of how many elements ended up on Earth (As we know that asteroids consist of many materials). The asteroids slammed into each other and the Earth forming this great planet. Later, a Mars-sized planet called “Theia” collided with Earth causing huge destruction. The debris of the collision, in turn, slammed into each other forming our beloved Moon that is our only natural satellite. 

Moreover, even though it is a fact that asteroids are planet makers; but they can even cause mass destruction. The gravitational force of the Earth is strong enough to attract many asteroids to it but thanks to Jupiter, it attracts a lot of the asteroids to itself causing them to be destructed. However, some asteroids somehow make their way towards the Earth, which can cause a collision. Though most of these asteroids burn up in the Earth’s atmosphere, some make their way to the land. If they reach the surface of the Earth, even a quarter-mile wide asteroid can cause destruction in the form of seismic waves (Earthquakes), tsunamis, floods, etc. An example of how overwhelming these things are is the tragedy that happened of 15 Feb 2013 in the Russian city known as Chelyabinsk; in which 20m wide asteroid slammed into the atmosphere and the shock injured 1200 people. When an asteroid reaches the surface of the Earth, it is called a meteorite, in case you didn’t know. 

Furthermore, scientists nowadays are trying to get samples from these celestial bodies. A mission named Hayabusa 2 is one launched by the Japanese space agency (JAXA) on 3 Dec 2013, which is an asteroid sample return mission. It will take samples from 162173 Ryugu asteroid, and has been successful in doing so. The only wait is of its arrival, which will happen at the end of 2020. Just like this, many other space agencies are also sending spacecraft in this regard. I will end this blog by a quote made by Neil deGrasse Tyson in which he says,” I don't want to be the embarrassment of the galaxy to have had the power to deflect an asteroid, and then not and end up going extinct. We'd be the laughingstock of the aliens of the cosmos if that were the case”. Indeed he is right. 

[1] Haris Ahmad is currently studying in 9th grade (O levels) in The City School Islamabad.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Universe

       October 20, 2019

           By: Haris Ahmad[1]

We live on planet Earth. It is the best planet in the Solar system that can sustain life as it is in the goldilocks zone of the Solar system. The Solar system is basically a gravitationally bound planetary system of Sun. The Solar system exists in the Oort cloud which is approximately somewhere between 2000 to 5000 au (1 au=Distance from Sun to Earth). Someday, just get on a high place at night and look at the sky; all the stars you see have their own planetary systems containing planets, dwarf planets, moons, etc. There are billions of stars just in our Milky Way galaxy, which is 100,000 light-years across. It is home to billions of stars like the Sun. This is a huge number and I get goosebumps when I think about the fact that each of these stars has its own planetary system. Isn’t it astonishing? Though this is nothing compared to the observable universe. So, the Milky Way exists in the local group of galaxies, which is a group of 54 different galaxies. 

Hubble deep field picture of some galaxies in the universe by NASA 

The local group is 10 million light-years across. In addition, it is a part of the Virgo supercluster, which consists of 100 more groups of galaxies just like our local group. The size of this supercluster is an astonishing 110 million light-years. Furthermore, the Virgo supercluster is also a small part of the Laniakea supercluster, which consists of 100,000 more galaxies just like our Milky Way and is 520 million light-years across. Lastly, the Laniakea supercluster is itself a part of the observable universe, which is home to billions of more superclusters. Though the observable universe is a huge place, it is very small in comparison to the whole universe. It is so small in comparison to the whole universe that, it’s the ratio of a tube light to the dwarf planet Pluto! We still don’t know what is beyond that extent, as the light from those distant places has not had enough time to reach us. This explains the fact that there are some places which humanity will never see even if it was to last forever. If this is not enough to scare you, then the fact that the universe is expanding further will. The reason for the expansion of the universe is mainly due to inertia because in the very early universe, probably before humanity, the matter was flying apart from each other for an unknown reason and this phenomenon is still taking place. Though some say it was due to cosmic inflation. Some say that there is a force called dark matter that is causing the universe to expand at an ever-increasing rate. So, have you ever thought about what will happen when the universe stops expanding? If this happened, it would neither expand nor contract; but, would become static. Eventually, the stars would burn up all the gas that is used to light them up. The rate of the birth of stars would decrease and thus, the universe would start to grow darker consisting of a lot of black holes. Hence, at a point, the temperature in the universe would become absolute 0 (-273 degrees Celsius). At this temperature, all life will diminish and even atoms would stop moving.
Even though it is nearly impossible for the universe to stop expanding, the main thing I wanted to convey through this blog was to tell you about how huge the universe is and what do we know about it.

[1] Haris Ahmad is currently studying in 9th grade (O levels) in The City School Islamabad.

The First Pictures of The James Webb Telescope

7th July, 2022 By: Haris Ahmad The James Webb Telescope was launched into space successfully, onboard the Ariane 5 rocket from the Guiana Sp...